

Friday, 31 July 2009


A Sprite object is similar to a movie clip, but does not have a timeline.
Sprite 可以理解为没有时间轴的 MovieClip 。
AS3的類如果想使用 MovieClip 的事件或方法必须让它继承(extends) MovieClip 或者 Sprite 。

Sunday, 26 July 2009

AS3: Getter and Setter

A、setter或者getter一个不是普通的成员变量,假定某类中有一个sprite,我们总是要在类内部获取该sprite的高、宽,每次都***.width, ***.height岂不是很累,我们可以

private function get XXX():Number{return ***.width};



public function set data(...)...


其实用private+ getter setter是为了增强封装性!
只要改这两个方法就可以 ...

from: 学AS3的那些破事

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;

public class Starter_13 extends Sprite
private var tsecField:TextField;
private var tField:TextField;
public function Starter_13 ()
private function myTest():void
var a:Testvar = new Testvar();

tField = new TextField();
tField.autoSize = "left";
tField.background = true;
tField.border = true;
a.mynewVar = "This is the new var.";
tField.text = "Test is: "+a.myVar;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
class Testvar extends Sprite
public var test:String;
public function Testvar()
public function set mynewVar(newTest:String):void
test = newTest;
public function get myVar():String
return test;

from: flashscript.biz

Saturday, 25 July 2009

User-Generated Content 用戶原創內容

User generated content has also been characterized as 'Conversational Media', as opposed to the 'Packaged Goods Media' of the past century. The former is a two-way process in contrast to the one-way distribution of the latter. Conversational or two-way media is a key characteristic of so-called Web 2.0 which encourages the publishing of one's own content and commenting on other people's.

Grassroots experimentation then generated an innovation in sounds, artists, techniques and associations with audiences which then are being used in mainstream media.

UGC often also has a collaborative element to it, as is the case with websites which users can edit collaboratively. For example, merely copying a portion of a television show and posting it to an online video website (an activity frequently seen on the UGC sites) would not be considered UGC. If a user uploads his/her photographs, however, expresses his/her thoughts in a blog, or creates a new music video, this could be considered UGC.

Motivating factors include: connecting with peers, achieving a certain level of fame, notoriety, or prestige, and the desire to express oneself.

Mere copy & paste or a link could also be seen as user generated self-expression. The action of linking to a work or copying a work could in itself motivate the creator, express the taste of the person linking or copying. Digg.com, Stumbleupon.com, leaptag.com is a good example where such linkage to work happens. The culmination of such linkages could very well identify the tastes of a person in the community and make that person unique through.

Adoption and recognition by mass media: Scoopflash

from: Wikipedia

Entrepreneurial Generated Content provides a less diminishing and much more meaningful and positive expression for what has generally been called User Generated Content, Web 2.0, Consumer Generated Media (CGM) or User created Content (UCC).

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Web 2.0 --> UGC + SNS

UGC就是User Generated Content,這是大家都知道的Web 2.0基本元素,但也是常被濫用的一個字。UGC有一個蠻嚴格的定義,譬如讀了新聞評選這篇新聞好不好看,不算是UGC;看到好棒的文章馬上收錄到del.icio.us,也不算UGC。嚴格的框限UGC定義是為了表示UGC的真正美好處,它不只是「平民發聲」,不只是「全民評分」,它最美之處是在「平民內容」,這才是重點。因此所謂真正的UGC不見得是原創,但絕對要是分享一個本身蘊含故事的內容,譬如,一篇自己身邊的新聞、一段自己小狗的影片,一小則自己引吭高歌的錄音podcast、一段自己摸索出來的使用說明、一支自己寫的Flash遊戲、一張自己拍的美麗山景照,不必搞得太專業也可以放到CNN I-Report、YouTube、Photobucket、OhMyNews、eHow,全球一起分享。在「內容是王」的情況下,這個網站真的有原創物在裡面。這是真正提供一些值得大眾閱讀、欣賞素材的內容網站。

至於「SNS」,Social Network Services,社群服務、社會化服務皆有人譯。社群網站始於六度分隔理論的交友服務,字義愈來愈廣,到了今年它變成一個蠻空靈的字,儘管最近人氣很旺的Twitter、MyBloglog、Meebo等都號稱自己也有某些SNS功能,但它們的成功各自有自己的造詣,並不是源自於真正的SNS公式,對這個字義嚴格一點,也是想強調SNS的厲害,從目前真正成功的幾個兩年內爆紅、超過1000萬名會員的「社群網站」如Myspace、Bebo、Facebook來看,真正厲害的SNS有幾個關鍵元素,最重要的,是讓個人有個公開的首頁,在這首頁之上,交朋友、設立群組、放東西,然後再針對它們留言討論,所謂SNS公式是Web 2.0網站最近才摸索出來的,到目前為止依然是人氣的保證;添加這些SNS元素,能讓網站的黏性大增。

from:Mr.6 "Web 2.0退場後,「UGC + SNS」火熱依舊"

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